Sunday, October 09, 2016
Kabul (BNA) Recently more than 20 thousand families will benefit ease of the National Solidarity Program (NSP) in Kunar.
According to the information and public relation department of Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development “MRRD” to BNA, the construction work of the projects have been completed at the costs of AFN 53,169,000 in Shagel, Manora, Chawki, Narang and capital of Asad-abad.
The projects included reconstruction of irrigation canals, retaining walls, Gabion Walls, irrigation reservoirs, culverts, sidewalks, drinking water networks, drinking waters storage and drinking water wells.
The Maintenance Cash Grant MCG operating within the framework of the MRRD/NSP has been able to cover 293 welfare projects so far succeeded to execute 181 projects in different parts.
More Than 100 Development Projects Completed In Kunar