Monday October 3, 2016
Kabul (BNA) War on corruption is a priority of the NUG that has taken certain steps on this issue.
The president has said that he would not spare any effort on this war even if he lose his life to achieve it. On the threshold of Brussels conference, the Afghan Supreme court reported on arrested of 113 judges and attorneys on charges of corruption. The source added that these people have been arrested in the last few months and their cases are under investigation. The Afghan government has put as a priority bringing reforms in legal-judicial system and therefore it has made all departments to take firm steps in this direction. The NUG leaders are expected to attend the Brussels conference and have committed to the world to present their documents and evidences on reduction of corruption to the conference the world would also believe that those aids that are offered to NUG have not been wasted and not improperly invested and they would announce new aids.
The Afghan administration says that has speeded up war on corruption with good outcomes including increase of national revenues and reforms of legal-judicial system that would pave the way for strengthening of rule of law and good governance. Although at present the Afghan government is among the most corrupt nations, but it does its best to put an end to this disease. According to experts, the main reasons behind expansion of corruption are insecurity, lack of rule of law, employment of government workers based on relations, giving of contracts without bidding to contractors, abuse of power, pressure of powerful people on legal-judicial organs, bureaucracy, anarchism and lack of cooperation of world community in this war. If the world community had not corrupted the aids and had not given asylum to accused corrupt elements, the level of corruption would have not reached to present level. The world community have also played extensive role in development of corruption. Now they have increased pressure on Afghanistan to put an end to corruption and warned that in existence of corruption they would not continue this aids. The afghan government emphasize that it is committed to respond to each cent aid of the world but the world community lack the ability to give clear response to those amounts that they have invested and contracted with contractors directly not through the channel of the Afghan government budget.
Everyday requests are increasing from the NUG on preventing of corruption but the Afghan authorities say that it has already taken certain steps on this issue. But people believe that political determination is the most important issue in preventing of corruption and in lack of such determination, preventing of this inauspicious phenomenon is impossible. Sometimes before president Ghani established legal and judicial center aid at war on corruption as its main duty is scrutiny of files of senior government authorities. If this center would manage to perform this job, president Ghani said he supports it even if he loses his life in this war, he would not retreat from this course. The Afghan government has managed to sack tens generals, senior judges and government authorities on corruption charges and prosecuted them and saved tens billions Afghani from the MoD contracts and this process has been extended to MoI now.
Hamidullah Faizi