Tuesday July 12, 2016
Kabul (BNA) The government is constitutionally responsible to generate jobs for the people and uproot poverty and all kinds of deprivations in the society.
It should also do its best to help those professional individuals, with no work facilities, get access to all means for thriving the country’s economy. The government, if wanted, can do this and provide the people with enough employment in the country, where wide number of youth are suffering harsh work deprivation that is forcing them to resort to different crimes or affecting various mental problems.
Hundreds of people are seen in many of the Kabul City’s crossroads, like Haji Yaqoub square, Kota-e-Sangi, Dehkipak of Khairkhana, waiting for works, but most of them return home empty handed, while those finding work and getting engaged in, dawn-to-dusk, can earn money enough only to purchase a loaf of bread for their families. Despites billions of dollars in aids from the international community, nothing tangible had so far been made in improvement of the country’s workers’ conditions. Unemployment has not only decreased, but vice-versa increased in the poverty-stricken nation.
According to the analysts, increase in the number of unemployed has been 30 percent in the past years, while this would rise to 40 percent by the end of 2016, if not paid attention by the government. The government, this year has promised to do more for improvement of the people economic situation, but nothing had been still practiced in this field and in very recent days, the leadership of the ministry of economy committed to uproot poverty and unemployment and has done something effective, while nothing had been said to be done by the ministry of labor and social affairs. Facing harsh joblessness by the educated segment of the society has caused brain drain and moreover, growing insecurity forced capital flee from the country. One of the ways could help restore employment in the society and help thousands of people get access to work, is a review of the labor law to bring reforms in the law. The government should also do its best to prevent goods import from other countries in order to help domestic products used by the people in own homeland.
Lailuma Noori